X-ray Diffraction Imaging
Bio/medical Systems
Ever since their discovery in 1895, X-rays have been used to provide patients with improved medical care and have given doctors tools for better understanding disease

While traditional, transmission X-ray images do a wonderful job at some tasks (like diagnosing broken bones)...

...these transmission X-ray images can be misleading or incapable of delivering the information needed for an accurate diagnosis (like in evaluating cancer)
Quadridox's X-ray Diffraction Imaging systems go beyond traditional X-ray imagery to provide the information needed to make accurate and timely diagnoses
Photo of breast tissue
Traditional X-ray image
XRDI image
XRD tissue 'fingerprints'

Healthy tissue
Cancerous tissue
Healthy tissue
Cancer tissue imaging

Quadridox's BioSpecx system is the first specimen radiography system to employ XRD technology to directly identify cancer ​

Other bio/medical/agricultural applications

Tissue biobanking​
Basic research
Biospecimen analysis
Pathology workflow
Pharmaceutical inspection
Food inspection

Interested? Contact Us to learn more.
Supporting publications
M. Lakshmanan et al.
Elemental vs. phase composition of breast calcifications
R. Scott et al.
1. Stryker, S., Greenberg, J.A., McCall, S.J. et al. Scii Rep 11, 10585 (2021).
2. https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/radiology
3. https://theconversation.com/curious-kids-how-do-x-rays-see-inside-you-85895