Talks and writings
Dr. Greenberg presents on Quadridox's NDT capabilities for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Nondestructive Characterization Institute
Dr. Coccarelli presents on Quadridox's X-ray diffraction prototype imaging system for security and Dr. Greenberg presents on synthetic X-ray data at the SPIE ADIX VII meeting
Dr. Greenberg presents an invited talk at the Keele University Tissue Microenvironment in Disease workshop
Dr. Coccarelli presents on the "Application of X-Ray Diffraction to Customs and Border Protection" at the 5th CBP-ADEPT workshop.
Drs. Greenberg and Coccarelli present on X-ray diffraction imaging and synthetic data at the Fourth Concealed Explosives Detection Workshop
Dr. Greenberg presents on X-ray diffraction imaging for security and medical applications and Dr. Coccarelli presents on synthetic X-ray data at the SPIE ADIX VII meeting
Dr. Greenberg book chapter was published in Counterterrorist Detection Techniques of Explosives (2nd edition)
Dr. Greenberg's and Kapadia's paper 'Application of machine learning classifiers to X-ray diffraction imaging with medically relevant phantoms' published in Medical Physics
Dr. Greenberg's and Kapadia's paper 'X-ray fan beam coded aperture transmission and diffraction imaging for fast material analysis' published in Nature Scientific Reports
Dr. Greenberg's papers 'Concealed drug detection via fan beam coded-aperture x-ray diffraction imaging' and 'Design and analysis of a hybrid x-ray transmission and diffraction system' published by SPIE Anomaly Detection in X-ray Imaging (ADIX) VI
A demonstration of the synthetic air cargo data tool was made at the ALERT Technology Showcase
Application of Quadridox's QSim tool to synthetic air cargo data generation featured at the ALERT ADSA 22 event
Hybrid X-ray Transmission + Diffraction Systems for Aviation Security and Beyond presented as part of the ALERT SPARC seminar series
Dr. Coccarelli's paper 'Modeling realistic virtual objects within a high-throughput x-ray simulation framework' published by SPIE Anomaly Detection in X-ray Imaging (ADIX) V